What’s Next For Wikileaks
GOODWikileaks: this topic has been all over us for the past six weeks. We nearly forgot about Christmas – hadn’t Assange threatened to leak all lists of christmas presents. Among a wealth of news and commentary (some very smart, most of it ranging from superficial to plain stupid), it was hard to stay on top of it all. The more you read, the more complex matters became. Because this is what happens, when you expand your knowledge. GOOD has a nice infographic to clear things up, breaking the whole Wikileaks story down to “challenges facing the leakers” and “why the leaks will continue”. The big picture for everyone a bit too deep into it – and a good intro for those who happened to be asleep for the past six weeks.

From Weekly Filet #1, in January 2011.
💔 Some older links might be broken — that's the state of the web, sadly. If you find one, ping me.