A collection of some of the best links from around the web, manually curated.

Great links like these, every Friday in your inbox

Goodbye Europe

What if Britain really leaves the EU? «It would be a reckless gamble», The Economist writes.

From Weekly Filet #95, in December 2012.

    Christmas Wishlist

    A list of wonderful christmas presents for the creative geek in your family. Oh, that geek is you? Lucky you, just let the right people know about this list.

    From Weekly Filet #95, in December 2012.

    2012 in Photos – The Supercut

    It’s that time of year again. As photo editors around the world start publishing their best-of-the-year slideshows, I thought I’d collect them in one place. Will update with more slideshows as they come in. Let me know if I’ve missed one that’s worth looking at.

    From Weekly Filet #95, in December 2012.

    100 Top Global Thinkers

    FP has released its annual list of people who shape the world with their ideas. It’s an interesting selection, I’d love to see a version from a European perspective (in which Paul Ryan probably wouldn’t make it to 8th place).

    From Weekly Filet #94, in November 2012.

      How to Live Without Irony

      Movember is drawing to an end, all those moustaches that men have been growing to be part of a hipsterish charity movement will be shaved off. But the attitude remains. We’re in the age of ironic living now. Thus goes a pretty compelling argument in the NY Times’ Opinionator blog: Irony is the ethos of our age and the hipster is our archetype of ironic living.

      From Weekly Filet #94, in November 2012.

        Music History in Gifs

        Music History in Gifs. No need to excite you any further. You probably won’t even read this because you’ve already clicked that link. Hello? Anyone still here? Go away. Click that link.

        From Weekly Filet #94, in November 2012.

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