A collection of some of the best links from around the web, manually curated.

Great links like these, every Friday in your inbox

World next door

Our universe, merely one in trillions? «We should not be surprised by the multiverse. Every time we have taken a look at the world around us, it has expanded.» A compelling read.

From Weekly Filet #93, in November 2012.

    A Visual Timeline of the Future

    Envisioning the future is a recurrent theme in novels. Italian information designer Giorgia Lupi has created this stunning visualisation of «the future, as foretold in the past». Behold of 2023: «A mutant great white shark stalks the sewers of New York City.»

    From Weekly Filet #93, in November 2012.

    The Evolutionary Mystery of Homosexuality

    Homosexuals reproduce less than heterosexuals. So why is it that the percentage of people who are homosexual remains stable over time? This article has some explanations to what essentially remains a mystery.

    From Weekly Filet #93, in November 2012.

    Do No Harm

    A gut-wrenching story about a man with Body Integrity Identity Disorder. He felt the urgent need to have his (sane) right leg amputated, until…he found a doctor willing to do so.

    From Weekly Filet #92, in November 2012.

    State of the Species

    The history and future of mankind, told as a biological science story. Brilliant, just brilliant.

    From Weekly Filet #92, in November 2012.

      The Infinite Jukebox

      If you’re a sucker for post-rock like I am, you probably don’t have the problem that your favourite song is just too short. For everyone else (and anyone interested in the magic of technology), there’s «The Infinite Jukebox». This MIT project analyses songs for recurring patterns and turns them into infinite loops. You can pick songs from a list or upload your own. Bonus: very nice visualisations of song patterns.

      From Weekly Filet #92, in November 2012.

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