Teaching The Camera To See My Skin

Teaching The Camera To See My Skin

The technology we build always reflects (and reinforces) mindsets, often without us knowing or consciously noticing it. Photography provides a striking example: Films used to be optimised for white skin at the expense of darker skin colors. The technical bias was finally addressed, ironically, not because of black people, but because white advertisers needed images of chocolate and wood furniture to look better. Syreeta McFaddenโ€™s article is also a personal story: What it means for a child when you donโ€™t recognise yourself on photographs. A great read.

From Weekly Filet #158, in April 2014. More on: #, #, #

๐Ÿ’” Some older links might be broken โ€” that's the state of the web, sadly. If you find one, ping me.

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