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New Clues


The Cluetrain Manifesto was launched 15 years ago and for my gonzo dollars it’s the best and most important thing written about the internet. It should be required monthly reading for anyone doing business online. Two of the Cluetrain authors have come back with a new, urgent manifesto for these critical and fragile times. Hopefully we listen. ยซWe come to you from the years of the Webโ€™s beginning. We have grown old together on the Internet. Time is short. We, the People of the Internet, need to remember the glory of its revelation so that we reclaim it now in the name of what it truly is.ยป

  Guest curated by Erik Martin

From Weekly Filet #190, in January 2015. More on:

๐Ÿ’” Some older links might be broken โ€” that's the state of the web, sadly. If you find one, ping me.

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