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László Krasznahorkai’s acceptance speech for the 2015 Man Booker International Prize

New Statesman
László Krasznahorkai’s acceptance speech for the 2015 Man Booker International Prize

«To Max Sebald, the marvellous writer and friend, who is no longer among the ranks of the living, as he gazed for too long at one single blade of grass in the meadow.»

– Man Booker International Prize acceptance speech by László Krasznahorkai

Acceptance speeches at award ceremonies tend to be either too long, very boring or overachieving. The 2015 laureate of the Man Booker International Prize, Hungarian surrealist writer László Krasznahorkai, held a rather outstandlingly weird, heartfelt and poetic speech when he was awarded the Prize in London this week. Listen to his short but charming speech.

  Guest curated by Gabriel Vetter

From Weekly Filet #209, in May 2015.

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