Der Terror und ich
Bonus track (in German): «Ich glaube, dass 9/11 der Tag war, an dem das Graue starb» – ein grossartiger Text, der die Zäsur durch 9/11 so gut einordnet wie kaum ein Text zuvor.
A collection of some of the best links from around the web, manually curated.
Bonus track (in German): «Ich glaube, dass 9/11 der Tag war, an dem das Graue starb» – ein grossartiger Text, der die Zäsur durch 9/11 so gut einordnet wie kaum ein Text zuvor.
This stuck in my mind: «Everyone should have a museum dedicated to the worst day of their life and be forced to attend it with a bunch of tourists.» A very personal account of a visit to the new «9/11 Memorial Museum», by a man who lost his sister in the attacks.
As the tenth anniversary of 9/11 is drawing closer, it’s a good time to refresh our memories of that defining event of recent history. has compiled an absolutely stunning archive of TV news coverage of that very day and the week that followed. 3,000 hours of international TV News from 20 channels over 7 days.
Make sense of what’s happening, and imagine what could be.
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