
A collection of some of the best links from around the web, manually curated.

Great links like these, every Friday in your inbox

A week of a boyfriend/husband!

A wonderful project I meant to share for months. Every week, Giorgia and Stefanie, two data visualisation experts, agree on a topic and then send each other a postcard with a data visualisation. The latest: What a week with their partner feels like. Love it!

From Weekly Filet #214, in June 2015.


Hope and anxiety, sweat and devotion, one single chance to make it: A wonderful documentary about the New York City Ballet and the many young dancers hoping to make the cut. Utterly beautiful, and yet a little discomforting to watch.

From Weekly Filet #213, in June 2015.

Algorithmic Citizenship

Few people get to choose their citizenship, something that deeply influences our chances in life. This digital art project prompts reflection on identity and the (probably outdated?) concept of citizenship. «Algorithmic Citizenship is a new form of citizenship, one where your citizenship, and therefore both your allegiances and your rights, are constantly being questioned, calculated, and rewritten.» You are what you browse on the internet.

From Weekly Filet #212, in June 2015.

Inside the worlds dreamed up by Hollywood’s most radical storytellers

«It’s bigger than color. It’s bigger than sound. It’s the audience literally inhabiting the narrative.» After reading this piece, I can’t wait to be in a virtual reality movie. Forget about 3D, that was just a superficial novelty. Virtual reality goes to the core of cinematic storytelling. «You can’t cut. You can’t fade. You can’t move the camera. You can’t pull focus. What you can do is create an intriguing hybrid of Brechtian in-the-round theatrical stuff and game design.»

From Weekly Filet #180, in October 2014.

«This site is a little experiment…Like most of the internet it doesn’t serve a real purpose. But it is nice to look at. Just like art.»

From Weekly Filet #180, in October 2014.

Make sense of what matters, today and for the future.

Every Friday, carefully curated recommendations on what to read, watch and listen to. Trusted by thousands of curious minds, since 2011.

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