Hardly anyone right now does media criticism as well as Vox’s Carlos Maza. Sharp, pointed and always with a healty dose of humour.
A collection of some of the best links from around the web, manually curated.
Hardly anyone right now does media criticism as well as Vox’s Carlos Maza. Sharp, pointed and always with a healty dose of humour.
Something we as journalists cannot think about enough (and have too little in the past): How do we accurately – yet in a way that’s easy to understand – represent uncertainty in data we report on? Most topical example: hurricane paths.
I suppose you already guessed what this is about. And yes, it delivers.
One week into the Trump presidency, it is obvious that the media are struggling to find appropriate ways to cover it. This piece offers a precise analysis of the challenge at hand. A good read, not just for journalists.
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