I don’t have a whole lot of explicit life goals, but this is one: Never start complaining about how people younger than me use language. This article gives a fascinating overview on how a new form of written language is being established on the web. «A rulebook which states that deliberately misspelled words and misused grammar can convey tone, nuance, humour, and even annoyance.» One warning before you start reading: Once you’re in the know, you will never again be not conflicted about ending a sentence with a full stop(.)
From Weekly Filet #269, in April 2018.
Would you kill a person in order to save five others? You’ve heard about this dilemma, but here’s the twist: Those among you who are native English speakers are less likely to agree than those for whom English is a foreign language. Just because I made you think about this in English.
From Weekly Filet #267, in March 2018.
A fascinating visual, data-driven explainer on how expressions like «Holosexual», «Gaslighting» or «Netflix and Chill» enter the mainstream vocabulary.
From Weekly Filet #, in February 2017.
This is fascinating: A language with a total vocabulary of a mere 123 words that – they say – can be learned in 30 hours. Fittingly, its word for «simple» is the same as the one for «good».
From Weekly Filet #217, in July 2015.
A metaphor designer on how to come up with and test metaphors that will work.
From Weekly Filet #213, in June 2015.
Type in any word in any language and embark on a linguistic tour du monde. Mesmerizing.
From Weekly Filet #196, in February 2015.
Make sense of what’s happening, and imagine what could be.
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