
A collection of some of the best links from around the web, manually curated.

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Trial runs for fascism are in full flow

«To grasp what is going on in the world right now, we need to reflect on two things. One is that we are in a phase of trial runs. The other is that what is being trialled is fascism – a word that should be used carefully but not shirked when it is so clearly on the horizon.»

From Weekly Filet #278, in July 2018.

«I just want to know how my sons died» – bringing home Bosnia’s dead

«Fikret Bačić, who takes my notebook and writes a list of the names of his extended family who went missing during the last week of July 1992. It takes him a long time; there are 29 of them, including his mother Sehriša, his wife Ninka, son Nermin, who was 12, daughter Nermina, who was six, four brothers including Zijad’s father, three sisters, several aunts, uncles and cousins. Of the 29, 19 are children; the youngest was two.»

Gut-wrenching. And a – I use this word sparingly – must-read.

From Weekly Filet #257, in November 2017.

The Uninhabitable Earth, Annotated Edition

The original version of this article has been read more than 2 million times and has sparked a major controversy. Which boils down to the question: Is it careless to write about climate change by highlighting worst-case scenarios rather than focusing on the ones that are more likely? Or is it careless not to? The autor has doubled down and delivered a heavily annotated version of the article. Excellent read.

From Weekly Filet #240, in July 2017.

When Things Go Missing

An exceptionally beautiful piece. It’s all about losing. How we will lose roughly 200’000 things over the course of our lives. How the meaning of «to lose» changed over time, from minds to hearts, to everything. And how this all is connected to losing a loved one.

From Weekly Filet #228, in February 2017.

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