I don’t usually recommend things twice in this newsletter. In fact, I don’t think I ever have. But the Harvey Weinstein revelations and reading #MeToo posts from dozens of women I know and many more I don’t know made me come back to this text. It has lost none of its power.
From Weekly Filet #252, in October 2017.
These are interesting findings: Online dating seems to increase the number of interracial marriages.
From Weekly Filet #251, in October 2017.
A beautifully crafted, beautifully told ode to the group chat, arguably one of the defining forms of social interaction of our age. And I mean that in a good way.
From Weekly Filet #249, in September 2017.
Another standout episode from The New York Times’ news podcast «The Daily».
From Weekly Filet #244, in August 2017.
When men and women of exactly equal ability face each other in chess, men win more often – but only if they know they’re playing against the opposite sex. Fascinating insights on why this is the case – and what it means for the world beyond chess.
From Weekly Filet #229, in February 2017.
YouTube is full of videos that nobody is watching. Until now. Hit play and enjoy the wonders of serendipity.
From Weekly Filet #224, in January 2017.
What if you countered islamic radicalisation with…empathy? That’s how two Danish policemen started a fascinating experiment in Aarhus, after dozens of young men had gone missing, presumably joining ISIS in Syria. A brilliant episode of the always fascinating Invisibilia podcast.
From Weekly Filet #-1, in August 2016.
The real phenomenon is not Donald Trump, but the people who support him. «And that means Donald Trump could be just the first of many Trumps in American politics.» Excellent analysis.
From Weekly Filet #-1, in March 2016.
The story of a remarkable man, who kept his secret, but didn’t take it to the grave: How he helped eight people die.
From Weekly Filet #-1, in March 2016.
I can’t remember ever seeing an article that had been shared so widely. And deservedly so.
From Weekly Filet #218, in July 2015.
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