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The trial against Donald Trump is officially underway. The judge and the jury (all senators) have been sworn in, the actual trial will begin next week. Which makes today the perfect day for subscribing to, the best way to follow the proceedings without getting overwhelmed. For months now, Dan Sinker, journalist and maker of all kinds of great things, has produced a concise daily summary of what one needs to know about the impeachment.

From Weekly Filet #285, in March 2020.

The Candidates: Elizabeth Warren

A profile of a politician like I’ve never heard it before. Michael Barbaro and the team at «The Daily» portray Elizabeth Warren in a wonderful, novel way and explain how she became the woman who is now running for president of the United States (and who would be, as she said yesterday, «the youngest woman ever inaugurated».

From Weekly Filet #281, in January 2020.

How to Look Away

The best piece I’ve read all week on the USA’s infamous treatment of immigrant children. On photographs as «a grammar and an ethics of seeing» and how Trump’s allies are «attempting to destabilize not just the facts on the ground, but also another kind of truth: The emotions most humans will feel.»

From Weekly Filet #277, in June 2018.

The 2nd Amendment is 145 characters. How would you rewrite it?

Sadly, massacres like the one in Las Vegas this week, are always followed by the exact same cascade of reactions and non-actions. If you followed the news, you have – once again – learned how unique the USA is in terms of gun violence, you’ve heard the calls for action and the pushbacks referencing the 2nd amendment. It’s almost numbingly predictable. Here’s where I think the LA Times had a good, novel idea: The 2nd amendment is 226 years old – and deemed outdated by some (because arms looked a little different back then…). So the Times asked their readers: How should it be rewritten?

From Weekly Filet #250, in October 2017.

What everyone needs to know about Puerto Rico’s hurricane disaster

A direct hit by hurricane Maria has turned Puerto Rico black, leaving almost all of its 3.4 million inhabitants without power. Nearly half are without fresh water. 80 percent of all crops are wiped out. All but a few cell towers are destroyed. And that isn’t all. A comprehensive explainer on the true extent of the crisis in Puerto Rico.

From Weekly Filet #249, in September 2017.

Goodbye, Pepe

The alt-right is over, at least as we know it. Counterintuitive, but Andrea Nagle makes a solid case for it.

From Weekly Filet #245, in September 2017.

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