Why we should give free money to everyone

De Correspondent
Why we should give free money to everyone

Free money for everyone is one of the stories about Switzerland that have travelled across the globe recently. As Swiss people will get to vote on a basic income, a lot of questions have arisen and remain open. This interesting article from the Netherlands looks at real-life experiments that might prove that free money does not remove incentives to work and leaves everyone better of. I remain skeptical of the idea โ€“ mainly for reasons, though, that are not mentioned in the article: It will create a rift between those eligible for a basic income and those who arenโ€™t and I shouldnโ€™t be at all surprised if it would lead to ever tighter immigration laws.

From Weekly Filet #148, in January 2014. More on: #, #

๐Ÿ’” Some older links might be broken โ€” that's the state of the web, sadly. If you find one, ping me.

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