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The 2nd Amendment is 145 characters. How would you rewrite it?

Los Angeles Times
The 2nd Amendment is 145 characters. How would you rewrite it?

Sadly, massacres like the one in Las Vegas this week, are always followed by the exact same cascade of reactions and non-actions. If you followed the news, you have – once again – learned how unique the USA is in terms of gun violence, you’ve heard the calls for action and the pushbacks referencing the 2nd amendment. It’s almost numbingly predictable. Here’s where I think the LA Times had a good, novel idea: The 2nd amendment is 226 years old – and deemed outdated by some (because arms looked a little different back then…). So the Times asked their readers: How should it be rewritten?

From Weekly Filet #250, in October 2017. More on: ,

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