Andy Warhol, Clay Christensen, and Vitalik Buterin walk into a bar

Here’s a problem I have with the crypto space, from currencies to NFTs and whatever promises Web3 might hold. It’s too big to ignore, and I know too little to form a firm opinion (hang on, that’s not the problem yet). However, the space is dominated by obnoxious enthusiasts, criticism on the other hand is often rather one-dimensional. This essay by Tim O’Reilly helped me get a better understanding of one key aspect: What is value? Slightly tilted towards crypto-optimism, but measured in its argument. Standout quote: Β«In a world where more and more has become a commodity, things become valuable again because we mix in ideas that persuade people to value them differently.Β»

From Weekly Filet #380, in February 2022.

πŸ’” Some older links might be broken β€” that's the state of the web, sadly. If you find one, ping me.

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