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What if I never change?

What if I never change?

«The times are urgent; let us slow down.» I often think about this saying I first heard from Dr. Bayo Akomolafe. With the carbon clock relentlessly ticking, how do we use our limited time well to help stop climate breakdown? I found a lot of wisdom in this conversation between Jocelyn K. Glei and Oliver Burkeman on the Hurry Slowly podcast. I love the calm, reflective approach Glei takes to finding creativity and meaning in work, and Burkeman’s insights on what mortality can teach us about using time well, drawn from his book Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals. It’s been surprisingly liberating to try to befriend the idea of never getting through my to-do list (and satisfying to write a «Done List» of what I actually completed instead), and work on tolerating the discomfort of my limitations to focus on what really matters. (For my favorite quotes from the book, see my Goodreads highlights.)

  Guest curated by Kimberly Nicholas

From Weekly Filet #Special, in February 2022.

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