103 Bits of Advice I Wish I Had Known

A great list to come back to every now and then. Some favourites:

  • Don’t keep making the same mistakes; try to make new mistakes.
  • When you forgive others, they may not notice, but you will heal. Forgiveness is not something we do for others; it is a gift to ourselves.
  • Three things you need: The ability to not give up something till it works, the ability to give up something that does not work, and the trust in other people to help you distinguish between the two.
  • The optimal balance for exploring new things vs exploiting them once found is: 1/3. Spend 1/3 of your time on exploring and 2/3 time on deepening.
  • When you don’t know how much to pay someone for a particular task, ask them β€œwhat would be fair” and their answer usually is.

From Weekly Filet #393, in May 2022.

πŸ’” Some older links might be broken β€” that's the state of the web, sadly. If you find one, ping me.

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