«Buy low, sell high» is the only fail-safe advice for the stock investor. But what if the opposite worked, too? A fascinating explorable explanation, by the same guy how made the fantastic NYC subway story I recommended last week.
From Weekly Filet #274, in May 2018.
If you haven’t followed every bit of the story, you probably find yourself asking «WTF is going on with Greece?!». I’ve tried to find the one piece to bring us back in the loop. Yet the most comprehensive ones both take sides on who’s to blame (and they disagree), so I’m offering you both.
From Weekly Filet #215, in July 2015.
If you haven’t followed every bit of the story, you probably find yourself asking «WTF is going on with Greece?!». I’ve tried to find the one piece to bring us back in the loop. Yet the most comprehensive ones both take sides on who’s to blame (and they disagree), so I’m offering you both.
From Weekly Filet #215, in July 2015.
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