It’s time for the annual Edge question. I don’t suppose you have time to read all 206 answers, so let me suggest three to you I found especially thought-provoking: the premortem, naïve reality and Bayes’ theorem. I am, though, slightly disappointed that they failed to include the bullshit asymmetry.
From Weekly Filet #222, in January 2017.
He figured out, before anyone else, how to predict the weather. Then, Lewis Fry Richardson applied his techniques to predicting wars. Interesting piece.
From Weekly Filet #179, in October 2014.
Free will — its existence or absence — has been a matter of heated debate for philosophers and neuroscientists for decades. Is free will, after all, a capacity of the brain that people can lose — and that can be given back to them by means of implants?
From Weekly Filet #178, in October 2014.
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