The best piece I’ve read all week on the USA’s infamous treatment of immigrant children. On photographs as «a grammar and an ethics of seeing» and how Trump’s allies are «attempting to destabilize not just the facts on the ground, but also another kind of truth: The emotions most humans will feel.»
From Weekly Filet #277, in June 2018.
«So it’s not just a matter of people naturally growing more conservative as they grow older. It’s also a matter of the wealthier — and more conservative — people surviving more often, and for longer.» – I have never thought of it from this perspective, but it makes an awful lot of sense. Would love to see a broader study that shows how (or not) this applies to other countries.
From Weekly Filet #276, in June 2018.
It’s a difficult topic, but I find this a good way of approaching it. The complexity of consent in sexual encounters, as experienced by college students.
From Weekly Filet #275, in May 2018.
A dividing line between poor and not poor I haven’t really thought about before. One in three families in the US can’t afford diapers. Why are they so expensive? And what are the consequences for those who struggle to afford them?
From Weekly Filet #269, in April 2018.
The FT has owned the topic for weeks now – this is yet another outstanding piece on the gender pay gap in British companies. Expert reporting, pointed charts, and a way to explore the data by yourselves.
From Weekly Filet #268, in March 2018.
Not the social mobility you want to see in a healthy society. Important investigation, presented in the best possible way.
From Weekly Filet #267, in March 2018.
Most people know the Boston Globe’s «Spotlight» team from its portrayal in the Oscar winning movie of the same name. This is «Spotlight» in action, sheding light on racism in Boston. A fantastic piece of journalism based on both good old shoe leather reporting and data analysis (and the combination of the two: To get a sense of how much black residents are part of the mainstream of the city, they visited iconic Boston places and simply counted the number of black people they saw). The one fact that stuck with me: The median net worth of non-immigrant African-American households in the Boston area is just $8. Yes, eight dollars, no typo.
From Weekly Filet #259, in December 2017.
Arguably one of the most undersold pieces of the year. I saw it in my newsfeeds at least a dozen times before I finally clicked on it. Don’t be fooled by the bland title and give it a try. I don’t want to spoil too much, but this piece of fiction will make you feel uncomfortable, and probably for different reasons depending on your gender.
From Weekly Filet #259, in December 2017.
This past weekend, 60000 people marched alongside ultranationalists to mark the 99th anniversary of Polish independence. You’ve seen the images. Some good background.
From Weekly Filet #256, in November 2017.
Convicted criminals, victims, family members, jugdes, prosecutors, police officers. They all experiece the criminal justice system from very different perspectives. In these intimate videos, they tell their stories.
From Weekly Filet #254, in November 2017.
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