You’re 16. You’re a Pedophile. You Don’t Want to Hurt Anyone. What Do You Do Now?
The story’s editor wrote about it: «Some stories should ruin your afternoon, the rest of your day, your whole week. This is one of them.»
A collection of some of the best links from around the web, manually curated.
The story’s editor wrote about it: «Some stories should ruin your afternoon, the rest of your day, your whole week. This is one of them.»
Three years after Anders Breivik took 69 lives on Utøya, a now 17-year-old surviver took to Reddit to answer questions from the community. Made me tear up more than once.
I can only spoil this wonderful piece by writing an introduction to it, so the intro ends right here.
«It took him a long time to die. I just watched him. I watched him become the same color as the ground he was lying on.» The story of a killer with a joystick, a US army drone operator.
You fall into the wide Ocean, in the middle of the night, and nobody notices it. What next? Read this man’s story.
33 years later, a man learns that he had spent a wonderful afternoon with one of America’s worst serial killers, likely as a designated victim. A captivating story about mixed feelings.
Where rape and incest are god’s tests of fire, but a motorcycle is a reason for expulsion from the community. A grim story, an excellent read.
People with the extremely rare Cotard’s syndrome believe they are dead. The New Scientist has spoken with a man who suffers from it.
Face transplants are one of these wonders modern medicine is capable of. Yet on many levels, it is hard to grasp what it actually means. This powerful story of a woman, basically left without a face after an attack, does an excellent job in helping to understand face transplants. Text, illustrations, video, all highly recommended.
Make sense of what’s happening, and imagine what could be.
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